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Largest US Defense Budget Likely to Include Funds to Aid Ukraine Counter China Hike Pay for Service Members

On Capitol Hill, the new U.S. defense budget is the largest in history, reaching nearly $900 billion. A Senate committee has agreed on the measure, and the House Armed Services Committee sent its version to the floor as well. Lawmakers for the House plan call the bill a major step towards restoring the strength of the U.S. military. It provides money for the Pentagon, not only to counter global threats, but also to address key quality of life concerns facing service members. Rep. Jen Kiggans (R-Virginia) explained, "We want them to have the best resources and best tools to do the job, which is war-fighting. We also want to take care of our servicemen and women." The House version of the National Defense Authorization Act provides an additional $300 million to support Ukraine, new programs and initiatives to counter China, and an historic pay raise for service members.



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