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Showing posts from March, 2024

2 Bodies Recovered, 4 Still Missing from Francis Scott Key Bridge Collapse

Divers have recovered the bodies of two men missing since Tuesday's collapse of the Francis Scott Key Bridge in Baltimore. Four other construction workers are still missing. Now we're learning more about the victims as well as what happened in the moments before the ship struck the bridge. from via

Nurse Practitioner Challenges State Ban on Abortion Reversal Pill: 'God Made Each Person'

Attorneys with the Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF) have filed a motion asking a federal court to intervene on behalf of a licensed nurse practitioner in Colorado who wants to provide patients with a natural hormone to reverse the effects of the abortion pill. Supporters point to years of evidence that abortion pill reversal is a safe and proven method that can save a baby's life when her mother experiences regret about beginning a chemical abortion. from via

Pro-Lifers Warn 'Extremely Deceptive' Amendments to Open Abortion Floodgates in Many States in 2024

Since the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade last year, abortion advocates throughout the country have been hard at work trying to expand abortion in many states that restricted it after the court's decision.  As pro-life groups are battling the abortion effort, CBN News visited the state of Arkansas to see what they're up against. from via

Supreme Court Denies Case of Christian Parents Whose Trans-Identifying Child Was Taken From Them

The U.S. Supreme Court has refused to take up the case of two Indiana parents who asked the court to intervene after the state's Department of Child Services took their trans-identifying child away from them due to their Biblical beliefs about sex and gender. from via

White House, EPA Push Automakers to Make More Electric Vehicles Many Americans Don't Want

It's being called the most ambitious plan in U.S. history to eliminate auto emissions. But should the White House and the EPA be telling automakers what kind of cars to sell to consumers? With unsold inventory of electric cars piling up at dealerships, 5,000 auto dealers asked the White House in January to 'tap the brakes' on its push toward EVs. from via

Border Revival Heats Up: 'We're Going Back to What We Know Works'

Latino faith leader Rev. Tony Suarez will host revival events on the border this week and next week. "We've tried politics, we've tried protesting. We've tried advocating. Now we're going to go back to what we know works which is prayer, fasting, coming before God and just knowing that He really is the only hope that our nation and our southern border has," Suarez told CBN News. from via

Conservative Evangelical Women Take the Gospel to the Border: 'We Lay Hands on Them'

A new study from Lifeway found that 91 percent of evangelicals favor immigration legislation that guarantees tighter borders. That same number also supports immigration measures that respect the God-given dignity of every person. The group Women of Welcome is doing that just by approaching the issue from a biblical stance, not a political one.   from via

Christian Nationalism: Rejecting the Left's Misleading Narrative

Some in the media and the political class are trying to use the term "Christian Nationalism" to silence Christian voices in the culture. The way they define the term could potentially include millions of Bible-believing, church-going believers who don't view Christian influence as radical at all. from via

Jennie Allen Reveals 'Wild' Revival Moments, Powerful Mass Baptisms, Helping 'Stuck' Young People

Author and speaker Jennie Allen has witnessed some of the most powerful revival moments over the past year. Allen helped hundreds of young people get spontaneously baptized at Auburn University in Alabama last fall, and then again at Florida State University in February. from via

30 Americans Rescued from Violent Crisis in Haiti but Hundreds of US Citizens Still Trapped

U.S. State Department officials say more than 30 U.S. citizens were evacuated from Haiti on a government-chartered flight that touched down at Miami International Airport Sunday. Officials say they're also working to arrange more flights to get stranded Americans out as the Caribbean island nation descends into chaos.   from via

Author Mitch Albom Tells CBN of Harrowing Escape from Haiti in Dark of Night

Bestselling author Mitch Albom, known for blockbuster books like “Tuesdays with Morrie,” “The Five People You Meet in Heaven,” and “The Stranger in the Lifeboat" was among those forced to flee from Haiti in the dead of night after the nation descended into sheer chaos. from via

Organized Retail Crime Wave Hits Major Cities, Consumers Bear the Brunt

In the heart of the nation's capital and other major cities, a growing crisis is gripping communities and retailers alike. What once seemed like isolated incidents of shoplifting have become a full-blown epidemic of organized retail crime, leaving citizens and businesses reeling from its ramifications. from via

'We Won't Back Down!' – Women's Groups and Female Athletes Fight for Fairness in Women's Sports

Saying "we won't back down," female athletes backed by women's groups and Virginia's attorney general protested outside the Sports Center in Virginia Beach on Friday where a biological male was competing against females in the National Track and Field championship. from via

Border Duel: Biden, Trump Show Up at Southern Border as Illegal Entries Shatter Records Again

A historic visit to the southern border is putting the migrant crisis front and center: the Biden administration wants $20 billion to stem the tide of migration while former President Trump is accusing President Biden of allowing migrant crossings to go unchecked.  from via

'Targeted Because I'm a Whistle-Blower': DOJ Investigates Doctor Who Opposes Trans Surgeries

A Texas surgeon faces a federal investigation after exposing transgender procedures being done on children after the hospital said they stopped doing them. Dr. Eithan Haim told CBN News no medical professional should engage in what he calls "barbaric" transgender procedures. from via