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Showing posts from October, 2023

'Genocidal Call to Basically Get Rid of All Jews': Professors, Students Lead Antisemitism Explosion

Since the savage Hamas terror attacks on Oct. 7 in Israel, there's been a growing number of antisemitic incidents here in the United States and around the world. Rabbi Abraham Cooper, the director for global social action at the Simon Wiesenthal Center in Los Angeles, California appeared on Tuesday's edition of The 700 Club to talk about what seems to be an explosion of antisemitism around the world.  from via

VIRAL VIDEO Shows Hate-Filled, Suicidal Addict Finally Finds Freedom in Jail: 'Jesus Transformed Me'

For years, the non-profit ministry God Behind Bars has shared the amazing testimonies of prison inmates who have experienced transformations through giving their lives to Jesus Christ. And their latest compelling documentary about a young man who died, came back to life and encountered Jesus is now going viral.  from via

2,000 Commit Their Lives to Christ in Massive Mississippi Revival Event

The fires of revival continue to burn brightly in several places across the nation. In Jackson, Mississippi, nearly 1,400 people answered evangelist Rick Gage's call to give their lives to Jesus Christ for the first time in a GO TELL AMERICA crusade attended by tens of thousands over four days.  from via

'I Have to Hide in the USA?' Jewish Students Terrorized, Locked in Campus Library, NYPD Didn't Help

A group of Jewish students at Cooper Union, a private New York City college, were locked inside the campus library on Wednesday afternoon for their protection as pro-Palestine demonstrators went into the building, got past security, and banged on the library's locked double doors. from via

COGIC Bishop to CBN News: After Centuries of Enemies, There's Only 1 Reason Israel Is Still Here

Bishop Glenn Plummer of the Church of God in Christ and his wife Pauline have lived in Israel for three years. Pauline was in Israel when Hamas conducted its bloody invasion of southern Israel on Oct. 7, but she was able to leave and return to the United States. CBN News spoke with Bishop Plummer recently about why it's important to support the Jewish state, and what he sees ahead for its future. from via

Senator: Biden Admin Must Stop Fueling Iran's Terrorist Funding that Targets Israel from 3 Sides

The president and lawmakers are working to send billions of dollars in aid to Israel as it fights against Hamas terrorists. While the aid is crucial, some are saying the U.S. should not only help Israel, it should also target the source of the terrorism – Iran. from via

Rainbow Revival: Ex-LGBT Men and Women March in Dallas, Tell Their Powerful Stories of Freedom

Rainbow Revival-Freedom March, a diverse group of former LGBTQ individuals from across the nation, celebrated with praise, worship, prayer, evangelism, testimonies and baptisms over five days at Dallas-area churches and at a prophetically significant location downtown. from via

US State Dept Issues Travel Alert for All US Citizens as Hamas War Raises Threat Levels

The U.S. Department of State has advised all U.S. citizens traveling overseas to "exercise increased caution" due to rising global tensions spawned by the huge Hamas terror invasion of Israel and the resulting Israel-Hamas war, the department said in a travel advisory issued Thursday.  from via

Biden Urges 'Unprecedented' Support for Israel in Rare Primetime Address

President Joe Biden gave a rare primetime address Thursday, calling on Congress to pass an urgent budget request for military aid to both Ukraine and Israel. Earlier in the day, Biden returned from Israel, where he met with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and vowed staunch U.S. support as Israel defends itself. from via

Sen. Joni Ernst Visits Israel to Show Solidarity, Pinpoints Iran for Funding Hamas

A bipartisan group of lawmakers was in Israel this week following the brutal attack from Hamas. They say they felt compelled to show solidarity and support in the early moments of the war. Sen. Joni Ernst (R-IA) was in Israel just days after Hamas terrorized the country by murdering more than 1,000 civilians. from via

CA Police Officers' Religious Rights at Risk After Newsom Signs Law to Crack Down on Free Speech

California Gov. Gavin Newsom has signed a bill that gives the Commission on Peace Officer Standards and Training the power to define "biased conduct" and according to one conservative nonprofit, could punish a law enforcement officer for speaking out as a private citizen online against any actions by the LGBTQ community.  from via

US Death Toll in Israel Rises to 14, Biden Condemns 'Evil' Hamas Terrorists

As the world learns more about the horrific atrocities Hamas has committed in Israel, President Biden is making it clear the United States stands firmly in support of Israel. In a speech at the White House Tuesday afternoon, Biden reiterated his unequivocal condemnation of Hamas and the acts of terror they've carried out against Israeli civilians.   from via

US Death Toll in Israel Rises to 14, Biden Condemns Hamas Use of ‘Human Shields’

As the world learns more about the horrific atrocities Hamas has committed in Israel, President Biden is making it clear the United States stands firmly in support of Israel. In a speech at the White House Tuesday afternoon, Biden reiterated his unequivocal condemnation of Hamas and the acts of terror they've carried out against Israeli civilians.   from via

Homeschooling Asylum Seekers Receive One-Year Deportation Reprieve

A Christian family who fled Germany in 2008 to homeschool their five children and who have been seeking asylum in the United States ever since have been granted a one-year reprieve from the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) after being suddenly told their deferred status had been revoked and they had four weeks to leave the country.   from via

Ministry Frees 40,000 Women and Children from Sex Trafficking: 'Now I Believe in Jesus'

In an alarming revelation of the rampant spread of child pornography and sex trafficking, one man has spent his career bringing hope to those who are being sold for perverted gain. CBN News visited a training center run by Victor Marx of All Things Possible Ministries and learned about a fascinating new strategy for saving women caught in sex trafficking. from via

US Supporting Israel, but Did White House's $5B Ransom Payment to Iran Help Fund the Attack?

The White House is showing strong support for Israel in its hour of need, dispatching a carrier strike group and supplies to the Middle East. But some are asking if the U.S. will keep standing beside Israel as the casualties in Gaza rise when Israel begins its massive hostage recovery effort.  from via

DOD Forced to Pay Liberty Counsel $1.8 Million After Losing Legal Battles Over Vax Mandates

The Department of Defense (DOD) has signed a $1.8 million settlement with Liberty Counsel to pay for attorney's fees and costs after the Christian religious rights law firm litigated for two years against the Biden administration's order mandating all U.S. military service members get the COVID-19 shot.  from via

State Task Force Rescues 100 Sex Trafficking Victims, Arrests 160 Perps Including Elementary Teacher

An Ohio human trafficking task force recently arrested and charged 160 people, including an elementary school teacher, a college professor, and a pair of U.S. Air Force members, for attempting to buy sex, the state's top prosecutor announced earlier this week.  from via

Biden Admin Does a Big 180, Finally Approves Building a Texas Border Wall Amid Massive Surge

There's been a huge development in the crisis at the U.S. southern border. After immediately shutting down the border wall construction when President Biden took office, the Biden administration has now reversed course and approved building a border wall in part of Texas. from via

Texas Ministry Offers Free Cars and Christ to Single Moms: 'It'll Bring You to Tears'

God's Garage in Conroe, TX is a Christ-centered non-profit ministry that provides reliable transportation to women in need. The ministry also empowers these women by sharing the good news of Jesus Christ.  The mission of the ministry is simple – repair and gift vehicles to struggling single moms, widows and wives of deployed military throughout Conroe and the greater Houston area. from via

CO Supreme Court to Hear Christian Baker Jack Phillips' Free Speech Case

After a graphic artist who didn't want to design wedding websites for homosexual couples won a victory at the U.S. Supreme Court this summer, Colorado's highest state court said Tuesday it will hear the case of a Christian baker who declined to make a cake celebrating a gender transition.  from via

'They Want God': Hundreds Come Forward to Give Their Lives to Jesus at JWLKRS Conference

Thousands of young people gathered together to worship Jesus, pray, and have their faith encouraged at the JWLKRS (Jesus-Walkers) Conference in Orlando, Florida, last week. Now, hundreds are testifying that the Holy Spirit moved during that meeting and ignited a "generation on fire for God."   from via

China Moves to Dominate World Food Supply: 'Food Is Power'

During the pandemic, Americans experienced food shortages due to the impact on the world's vulnerable supply chain. While that situation has somewhat recovered, another global event could make that recent experience the new normal. Two experts warn a brewing battle between the U.S. and China over control of the world's food supply could become such an event.  from via

GOP Conservative Threatens to Oust McCarthy for Siding with Democrats to Avert Shutdown

Congress averted a government shutdown at the last minute on Saturday. In the process, a civil war escalated in the GOP.  Republican House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (CA) turned to Democrats to pass a short-term funding resolution in the House, and 90 Republicans voted against the measure. Now, one GOP holdout is threatening to take the speaker down. from via